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Das Akronym[wp] YAVG steht für englisch Yet Another Victim Group (deutsch: Wieder eine neue Opfergruppe) und beschreibt das Bestreben der Opfer- und Helferindustrie, immer neue Zielgrupen für ihre Geschäftsgebiet zu finden. Dazu müssen neue Opfergruppen definiert und ihre "Leiden" beschrieben werden, um so in der Politik das Gefühl für Handlungsbedarf zu wecken.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
- ↑ "AIDS is our holocaust and Reagan is our Hitler. New York is our Auschwitz ..." [Kramer 1989:178, 173, 263] Thus was the holocaust once again used to authenticate the sufferings of yet another victim group. "Anti-Americanism: Irrational & Rational" von Paul Hollander, S. 65
- ↑ "Men's rights groups phone me a lot, and I tell them my general position on these matters: The last thing we need in America is yet another victim group ...", Anti-Male Bias Increasingly: Pervades US Culture by John Leo on MensNewsDaily; "Incorrect thoughts: notes on our wayward culture" von John Leo, S. 102
- ↑ Thus Muslims easily fit into the liberal categorization of yet another victim group. "Onward Muslim soldiers: how jihad still threatens America and the West" von Robert Spencer, S. 267
- ↑ We have made them yet another victim group in our pantheon. Replies
- ↑ The physically handicapped (yet another victim group) thus became, in the PC lexicon, the "differently abled." 'Political Correctness' Still Constricts American Debate, David R. Boldt am 16. Februar 1992
- ↑ Now, the Democrat Party is trying to turn immigrants into yet another victim group The Value of American Citizenship, Kyle Becker am 30. Juni 2012