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Die fünf männlichen Archetypen
The Five Male Archetypes.svg
Die soziale und sexuelle Hierarchie
Alpha Der selbstbewusste Führer von Männern, dessen Prahlerei und Un­nah­bar­keit ihn mit Frauen sehr erfolgreich macht.
Sigma Die Einsame-Wolf-Antithese des Alphas. Widersetzt sich der Einordnung in der sozialen Hierarchie und ist dennoch erfolgreich mit Frauen.
Beta Die Arbeitsbienen der Gesellschaft. Frauen werden sie tolerieren, wenn sie über reichlich Vermögen verfügen, sonst werden sie aus­rangiert.
Gamma Gammas sind bitter oder ahnungslos bezüglich Frauen. Oft können sie nicht Rote-Pille-Konzepte nicht begreifen und aus dem Paarungs­spiel aus­steigen.
Omega Die Hoffnungslosen. Omegas werden mit gewalt­tätigen Ausbrüchen wie Amok-Laufen wegen ihrer totalen Ablehnung durch Frauen in Verbindung gebracht.
Weitere Typen
Delta Der normale Kerl. Deltas stellen die große Mehrheit der Männer.
Lambda Diejenigen Männer, die ganz buchstäblich kein Interesse an konventionellen männlich-weiblich sexuellen Beziehungen haben.
Zeta Bezieht sich auf eine Perspektive und Weise des Mannseins, die sich außerhalb des üblichen hierarchischen Modells der Männlichkeit auf der Grundlage des Alpha-Mannes (oben), Beta-Mannes (zweitrangig) und Omega-Mannes (niedrigste) verorten.
Hauptseite » Mann » Beta-Mann

Ein männlicher Versorger oder Beta-Mann ist ein Mann, der begierig, gütig und manchmal gedankenlos nach einer Bestätigung durch ein Weib von zweifelhaftem Wert sucht und seine finanziellen Ressourcen mit ihm teilt, im Austausch für sexuelle Gefälligkeiten, Kameradschaft und die Chance, sich fortzupflanzen.[1] Es kann sich auch allgemein auf einen Mann beziehen, der schwach, erfolglos, unschlüssig und im Vergleich zu einem Alpha-Mann insgesamt einen niedrigen sozialen Wert hat. Beta-Merkmale zeigen für Weiber einen niedrigen Wert an, wenn sie zu stark oder zu früh in der Begegnung eingesetzt werden, was unbewusst geschieht. Der Begriff Beta kann verwendet werden, um summarisch individuelle Verhaltens­weisen zu beschreiben, sowie Personen, die eine überwältigende Zahl von Beta-Eigen­schaften haben (im Gegensatz zu Alpha-Eigen­schaften).

Laut Château Heartiste:

Zitat: «You will never see a beta male confidently, even impudently, demand anything - a norm of behavior, preferred treatment, effort towards a task - from a woman he is dating. He will never LEAD a woman. He will typically appease, and only make passive-aggressive demands of a woman when his fuse is short and his (self-)anger bubbling over.

Beta males don't like to demand anything of anyone, but especially not of women. Strangers, acquaintances, girlfriends, wives; none will ever experience the distinctly female pleasure of deferring and submitting to a man if that man is a fearful, non-confrontational beta male. And over time resentment and contempt will find a home in these women, and their sexual desire will find a home elsewhere.»[2]

Der Beta-Mann in der westlichen Gesellschaft.


Amour Fou notes, "Beta is not only about the words you use, asking for permission and using cheesy lines etc. It has lots to do about how you feel towards them. When a man truly pedestalizes women and puts them above himself, he talks in a different tone and the body itself communicates it. ... be sure to be hesitant to look at them in the eyes, and purposefully talk faster and more nervously than usual. You actually have to fear them in order to "act beta"."[3]

Hotwheels notes, "I agree with this. You can talk as beta as you want but if you still have a superior "air", confident body language, etc you'll still pull the broads. They want to fall in live and be with a guy that loves them. The problem is betas are needy and it comes across in their mannerisms and speech. It's not what you say but how you say it."[4]

AntiTrace notes, "just remember a beta does not kino, does not "DHV", and under no condition attempts to initiate sexual contact in any form."[5]


According to Château Heartiste, "Acts of beta are a critical component of relationship game that helps to solidify a girlfriend's feelings of comfort and security in your company - but they do need to be utilized with the utmost care, because overuse can happen quickly and *will* degrade a girlfriend's attraction to you."[6]

MikeCF notes, "Getting a girl flowers because she might like them is nice. Getting a girl flowers because you're desperately seeking approval is beta."[7]

Gründe für Beta-Verhalten

SmellyJelly22 merkt an:

Zitat: «The reason men act "beta" around women because they don't understand how awful weak emotions make women feel and how amazing they feel to be around a man not affected by those emotions. For example, it's dating 101 that a man should take the lead on a date, choose the restaurant, guide the conversation, choose the next bar, etc. ... Most men don't know this instinctively. Instead, they think "well I don't really care where we eat - I'll ask her what she likes." But in a woman's mind, making any choice invites them back into the hell of their weak emotions. "There are so many restaurants. Which one? What if the Italian place is closed? What if he doesn't like it? Etc…" Picking a restaurant gives the woman the same angst as picking a college would for a man. That's why a woman would much rather the man just pick a place, even if its not good. The anguish of eating at a shitty restaurant is not nearly as bad as the anguish of the weak emotions attacking her brain as she makes this decision.»[8]

Sympathie der Mannosphäre für Betas

Some people talk about a manosphere bias in favor of alphas, e.g. "From an outside perspective, it seems like they're a bit too vocal about categorizing themselves as alphas and others as betas ... there doesn't seem to be an attitude of wanting to bring other people into the fold. It seems divisive rather than inclusive."[9] In reality, the manosphere tends to be very sympathetic to betas, describing them as necessary for society to be productive and peaceful, and even advocating monogamy so that betas will have more chances to mate.[10]

Beziehungen von Weibern mit Betas

Forge the Sky merkt an:

Zitat: «To women, betas are friends, helpers, co-workers, employees, servants; unless related by blood, they are practical beings only. There is no romance to them. They are useful, fun, maybe even someone to be a little affectionate toward so long as they remain useful, but they have no deeper self, no soul, no mystical thing to bind to. ...

No woman will stand beside a beta as he faces, and succumbs to, death. Not unless it's convenient, or she would be shamed otherwise. It simply would not make sense for her to do so. Would you hold your employee's hand as they lay dying? Only if they had a fatal accident right in front of you. Past that, condolences to the kids.»[11]

Möglichkeit der Reformation

Roosh schreibt:

Zitat: «The fault of being a beta male rests solely on the beta male. It is impossible to grow up and not observe the differences between alpha and beta male behavior, and how the lifestyle of one is clearly better than the other. It would be great if every man was born an alpha, but it really isn't that hard to dump beta qualities like a bad habit and tack on the correct alpha ones. It just takes time and commitment. Blaming women for being beta is the same as a mother blaming her four-year-old for being spoiled when she is the one spoiling it. If you have the control to change things but don't take the necessary steps to do so, you deserve nothing.»[12]


A beta male is somewhat inept in relationships with females and thus doesn't get "enough" sex,[13] because he isn't controlling confident enough to be an alpha, because he isn't assholish enough to be a bad boy, or maybe because he doesn't buy into all this pick-up artist shit at all. (At least they aren't omegas.)

Note that this is not the way "beta males" work in animal behaviorology, where they are the "second in command" to alpha males and may fight to take their place.[14]

Betas are the good-looking guys who aren't as uniformly attractive or socially dominant as the Alpha, but are nevertheless confident, attractive to women, and do well with them. At the party, they are the loud guy's friends who showed up with the alcohol and who are flirting with the tier one women and cheerfully pairing up with the tier two women. Betas tend to genuinely like women and view them in a somewhat optimistic manner, but they don't have a lot of illusions about them either. Betas tend to be happy, secure in themselves, and are up for anything their alpha wants to do. When they marry, it is not infrequently to a woman who was one of the alpha's former girlfriends.

Lifetime sexual partners = 2-3x average

– Alpha game[16]


  1. Roosh (6. Mai 2015). "What Is Neomasculinity?". Roosh V.
  2. Chateau Heartiste (28 February 2016). "One Glaring Difference Between Alpha Males And Beta Males". Chateau Heartiste.
  3. Fou Amour (17 March 2012). "RE: I'm going full Beta for the next two days". I'm going full Beta for the next two days. Roosh V Forum.
  4. Hotwheels (17 March 2012). "RE: I'm going full Beta for the next two days". I'm going full Beta for the next two days. Roosh V Forum.
  5. AntiTrace (17 March 2012). "RE: I'm going full Beta for the next two days". I'm going full Beta for the next two days. Roosh V Forum.
  6. Chateau Heartiste (8 May 2011). "Things A Man Should Never Say First In A Relationship". Chateau Heartiste.
  7. MikeCF (17 March 2012). "RE: I'm going full Beta for the next two days". I'm going full Beta for the next two days. Roosh V Forum.
  8. http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/23d3s6/why_women_like_unemotional_men/
  9. Dylan Love: Inside Red Pill, The Weird New Cult For Men Who Don't Understand Women, Business Insider am 15. September 2013
  10. "Monogamy's real genius is the turning beta males (80%+ of all males) into highly productive citizens with a stake in the success of the society in which they live in." - Khan, Razib (30 January 2012): Monogamous societies superior to polygamous societies, Discover Magazine
  11. The Invisibles, The Rational Male am 24. Februar 2015
  12. Roosh: Feminism Destroys Men?, RooshV.com am 27. April 2007
  13. Satirical glossary from /r/TheBluePill on Reddit
  14. Stop using the term "beta male" to mean "wimp"
  15. RationalWikiManosphere glossary - "Beta"
  16. The socio-sexual hierarchy, Alpha game am 5. März 2011

