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The Strange Death of Europe - Douglas Murray und Stefan Molyneux (10. Juli 2017) (Länge: 69:23 Min.)
How Feminism Destroyed Europe - Iben Thranholm und Stefan Molyneux (26. April 2016) (Länge: 51:02 Min.) (Feminismus)
Will Europe Survive? - Stefan Molyneux (24. April 2016) (Länge: 50:19 Min.) (Does Europe Stand a Chance? European Migrant Crisis.)
Save Europe Now - Stefan Molyneux (18. April 2016) (Länge: 29:48 Min.) (The Survival of Europe. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.)
Europe is finished. Nothing can save it now - PravoslavieUSA (28. January 2016) (Länge: 12:35 Min.)
The Death of Europe - European Migrant Crisis - Stefan Molyneux (4. Oktober 2015) (Länge: 68:58 Min.)
Why Europe Owes The Migrants Nothing - Stefan Molyneux (22. September 2015) (Länge: 30:23 Min.) (Flüchtlingshilfe)
The Fall of Europe - Stefan Molyneux (4. February 2013) (Länge: 36:06 Min.) (There will be no economic recovery. Prepare yourself accordingly.)